GIBSON DOZIER 1999 "Sailabration" The 1999 Gibson dozier Family Reunion was held aboard the Cruise ship Soveriegn of the Seas. Members pose for their formal picuture before partying with the Captain in one of the many fabulous events of the weeklong reunion. First row (left to right): Nausha Lewis, Mazel Pernell Berry, Delores Pierce, Yvette Brown, Nellie Berry, Reida Todd, and Deborah Bellamy
Second Row: Gwendolyn Johnson, Charlotte Cobb, Zsa Zsa Alston, Ernisha Crawley, Marvina Benefield, Mikayla Pickette, Thelma Porter, Victoria Porter, Diedre Todd, and Brenda Lee
Third Row: Don Alston, Dean Porter, Jesse Berry, Jesse Gibson, James Cobb, Ricky Lewis, and T. Leon Berry
The 1999 Dozier/Gibson/Cobb/Brown family reunion was held aboard the cruiseship Sovereign of the Seas. The trip was planned and coordinated by Yvette Brown and her late husband James C. Brown. This issue of the Saluda Families website is dedicated to the Brown Family for making the cruise a reality. We, the rest of the family, send our prayers and codolences to the Browns and thank Yvette for her dedication and service during James' illness.
Sovereign of Seas at Coco Cay Sunrise over Key West Florida
SALUDA, SOUTH CAROLINAAugust 8, 1998 Front Row: Mazel Berry, Nellie Berry, Denise and Jamie Garner, Stanley Cobb, Loretta Prince, Carolyn Brown, Anthony Overstreet, Frances Crawley, Deborah Reed, Jesse Gibson, Jr., Al Gibson.
Second Row: Dorothy Berry Safo, Bobby and Brenda Ellis, Mae Brown, Ruth Chenault, Annie Ruth Brown, Alyce Walker, Doris Berry, Elmira Sams, Hattie and Johnnie Cobb, Sherron "Baby Sis" Love, Tennie Ruth Lott, Gertrude Lee, Lenard Safo, Johnnie Gibson.
Third Row: Leon Garner, Andrew Edney, Hollis Pearce, Robert L. Chapman, Louise Carter, Sarah J. Brown, James Pearce, Velma Cobb, Delphine Lee Blackman, James Cobb, T. Leon Berry, Mary Wilson, McKinley Chapman, Rosa Lott, Janie Mae Bonham, Eddie Clee Dukes and Bernice Carroll.
Last Row: Ulyses and Ellison Chapman.
Business Meeting: The business meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM Saturday morning by Jesse Gibson, Jr., the National President. He is shown below flanked by National Officers Sherron Love. Vice President, Dorothy Safo, Secretary, and Stanley Cobb, Treasurer. Minutes of the 1997 Reunion were read and approved. For a copy of the minutes and treasurer's report send an email request to Jesse Berry.
The Host Committee members proudly presented the "UPTOWN VIEW"
as the location for the 1998 REUNION BANQUETThe Host Committee
Mrs. Janie M. Bonham - Chairperson Mrs. Tennie R. Lott - Vice Chairperson Mrs. Rosa L. Lott - Recording Secretary Mrs. Linnie B. Minnick - Assistant Secretary Mrs. Ruth Chenault - Treasurer Mr. Eddie C. Dukes - Assistant Treasurer Mrs. Lizzie R. Pugh Mrs. Wendy Dukes
Above: The Dinner; Below: The Party! Gibson Dozier Reunion in Conshocken, PA !
Thomas and Rachel Dozier Moore (seated) pose with their family.
Left to right: Edward, Cora, Arthur & wife Marcella, Ethel, Luther, Myrtis is seated between her parents.(Photo courtesy of Alyce Walker, daughter of Edward Moore and Dido Wright Moore.)
Squire Dozier, brother of Rachel, in a 1950's photo.
The Berrys gather in Saluda, South Carolina to say good-bye to Ellen Dozier Berry. (1964) Top of Page Contact Us Home
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Last updated on Feb.16, 2011
Copyright © 2003 Gibson Dozier Family Reunion Committee
created by Gregory Berry, Webmaster